Thursday, August 23, 2012

He Slid Across the Room As If It Was Ice Physics

[Dedicated to ArgonMatrix.*]

“Friction is gone,” he said,

“And force resisting motion is gone.”
Yet I could not help but wonder

Was it some esoteric motivation,
or did his motion continue in the same direction
He slid across the room like it was ice physics,
as if I was playing Snowhorn Wastes
and watching Fox slide helplessly everywhereundeterred.

“Friction is gone,” he said.
“Scales will destroy Dinosaur Planet”, I stated matter-of-factly,
“And ice physics has doomed benevolence.”
“But how can a fire dungeon have ice physics”, he asked.

He slid across the room like it was ice physics,
and damned us all to domination by the Sharpclaws,
As if he close to ignore any realistic physics.

“Perpetual motion is a lie,” I said;
“Friction is gone,” he reiterated.
“It and human error always stop sliding motion,” I insisted.
“No, I am sliding onward along firm ground,” he retorted.

“My motion is unchanged,”
He said as he slid across the room like it was ice physics,
Forever dooming video games to unrealistic motion.
*ArgonMatrix is an LPer on YouTube. His LP of The Wind Waker featured a moment where one of the enemies – a Bokoblin – slid across solid ground in a display of unrealistic fire dungeon physics. The title is a quote by him. In this same video he dared the viewer to make a song built around that line.
The Video That Inspired This Poem/Song:
10:23 to 10:30

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