Monday, January 23, 2012

The Mask

Lately, I've been thinking about the "mask" we tend to put on as humans - the one we present to others, in other words. In everyday reality, it's something that isn't as pronounced... Thus, it's barely noticeable. However, there are other circumstances in which we as people would rather see ourselves interpreted in a different light. 

In other words, a sort of an "identity crisis" that may happen to people depending on what they do. 

For example, if you've ever watched a Let's Play, you'll know that the commentator playing the game puts on this sort of "persona" usually in order to make it interesting and inviting. Some wish to inform, some wish to entertain, and some wish to just have fun. I bring up Let's Plays because it's a coherent example that inspired me to write about this identity complex. It's much like when we create an identity for ourselves (be it online or through other mediums) that may conflict with who we really seem to be in light of "reality" ... Whatever you consider reality to be, anyway.

I think a critical error we seem to make is assessing that this persona we create is outside of ourselves in some fashion. But it had to come from somewhere, right? Otherwise it would have never existed. It's based on something, therefore that separate "identity" is still a part of the person it originates from. It just seems like some people don't realize that and try to keep their identities separate... If that makes sense.

But for some, it may be that one identity is used to relieve or save them from having to constantly confront the other one. It's a relief to have that other face to turn to when things get tough.

As a Let's Player myself, I know that feeling. When your reality isn't going so bright, you tend to hide away in that persona and use it as a means to handle your problems. 

Not to belittle anyone who does that though. It's a perfectly valid response to harsh times and is actually more often healthy then not. But it encourages a habit of running away to that identity whenever one can't handle their problems. It's helpful, but it's not something that can save a person from their problems. Because it's only one part of that person manifested into something that takes shape.

Ultimately, I've found that you just have to accept that all of those characteristics are present in you somewhere if they take a significant form and that they can only contribute to happiness, not be the main cause of it.

That's just my one cent though. Lost the other one because of Yoshi's Island.

1 comment:

  1. I find that my names and "masks" come from within and I make them true to myself. For example, I've kept the name Zeldaru for so long because I felt a connection to that name. I've tried coming up with "other" names but those just don't work because I feel Zeldaru is so intertwined with me. I think the difference is - to be concise - between a mask molded from the shape of your face, and a mask that is not custom-made to your face. The latter strikes me as more fake - and sometimes that fakeness is beneficial - which I'd rather avoid. And that's my one cent (so that together we have two cents).
