Friday, January 20, 2012


A poem I wrote for my Creative Writing class based on Majora's Mask. Enjoy.

The Tree grew roots of solemn ivory
Covered by the depths of the murky obscene
The echo of ripples and the lily pad’s dismay
Ricocheted off its tender bark with a void plunk
A pebble away from home, pondering the endless rush
Of tainted poison, water that could not be his father’s
Stroking the jagged edges of a natural maze

The Tree shouldered armor born of fond white
Days of idle calling where kids would forge forts among ice
Scooping and sculpting together a crunching sphere meant for three
Championing the hero who would stand until his last knee
Or the piercing of the slippery icicle, a numbness in the tongue
The vapor of the wonderland’s heart pumping through tired breathing
Observable to even the youngest sleeping child

The Tree spread out limbs of charred soot
Inching, marching as soldiers towards the vibrant, lonely sky
Tinted with the scent of forgotten, decaying fish
Left to mirror the onslaught of some unknown sea
Seen by all but the fleeting fisherman
Packing crawfish and worms planned for the repeating days
And the faces he saw, the places he called

The Tree shed leaves in mountainous decree
Wafting of rotten apples in accepting shame
Decrepit tombstones lacking enclosed engravings to encounter
Bones buried beneath in a melancholic collapse
Dancing to lovers hand in hand
Grains of wrinkles crossing in familiar touch
A clock’s hand ticks rhythmically, illuminating the silence

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