Sunday, May 20, 2012

Bane of Evil: Partie Quatre

Thus we end up with Skyward Sword, the Master Sword in its non-legendary state. (Here is where spoilers lie.) The Goddess Sword, which is the same name for the same blade, is endowed with consciousness in the form of Fi, a being with intelligence and an ability to communicate. Fi generally keeps its thoughts to itself but is nevertheless alive. It seems bored but throughout the game Link and Fi grow together, albeit very subtly. As a wise sage once said, "SHUT UP, FI!" Fi may not necessarily be extremely likable but it is conscious. Through the Sacred Flames quest the Goddess Sword grows much stronger; the blade is basically re-forged into something new and more powerful. In a sense the ability of the blade to defeat evil is increased. To be honest, a lot of wht can be said about the blade being conscious has already been said and Fi's existence pretty much explains other observations I already made. This game cements the awesomeness of the Master Sword - its consciousness, or the idea of it, is supported by the existence of Fi. Her theme and its many leitmotifs add great emotional depth to the Master Sword, a kind rarely given in past games; in Ocarina of Time the blade is given a theme for when it is pulled out of the pedestal but here the Master Sword gets a main musical melody to describe it. This theme and its variations raise the blade above a mere bane of evil, at least in my opinion. I think one reason why it can fight evil is that it is beyond a weapon, as I've probably already said. It is not a butchery tool, but a conscious being and in a sense a work of art - it has been forged with sacred flames.

The Master Sword's consciousness allows it to fight the representation of evil itself, Demise. It is a shifting force that manifests itself in many different ways in many ages and it cannot be simply defeated and slain by good: as bane of evil, the Master Sword attacks the symbolic heart of evil. Recall how in Twilight Princess the Master Sword drove out the evil magic in Link and saved Midna from death. It acts as a restorative agent, a role beyond the destruction of evil. The Master Sword fights the very essence of evil. The game suggests this fact due to the prevalence of the Skyward Strike during the battle; powerful magic is used to defeat Demise instead of simple "hack him until he dies." Link must also utilize his shield and other strategies to defeat evil, something that completely fits in with the purpose of the Master Sword. In the end, Demise is absorbed into the Master Sword, thus sealed away. At last the Master Sword is allowed to rest its purpose fulfilled, but in the distant future it will sleep eternally.

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