Thursday, May 10, 2012

Obligatory Perfunctoriness

Hounded I've been these past few days, as a certain someone has been literally groveling prostrate in an attempt to cajole me into putting forth the most pretentious terms from my lexicon on here.

Okay, that's enough of that. I'll leave pretension to the pros. For the rest of us, it's a struggle trying to think of which word is the hardest to pull from the depths of my mind. And not just once, either. You've gotta do it for a majority of the words, deciding which adjective appeals to both the intended imagery and the desired level of esotericism, choosing which noun is the most archaic, etc. It's like trying to make a macaroni picture, but you're only letting yourself use bits of tortiglioni exactly one inch in length.

In any case, I prefer eating the pasta, but the artists of the world probably wouldn't be making their sprawling murals if not for the rigatoni Tyrannosauruses they made in Kindergarten. So I'll let it slide.

I don't like getting hung up on names or other quaint appellations, so I'll completely sidestep that issue completely. But for that matter, I'm the guy who has been pumping out those fractals recently. Birthed in Apophysis and wrapped in a blue or pink towel in GIMP, it's a pastime of mine. Hardly an exciting one, but I've always fantasized and making one while skydiving or bull-riding. Anything to add adrenaline-fueled excitement to the process, and, if something goes wrong, a bit of blood too. Wait, blood?


And for your trouble and to cover up my mess, here's another one.

(By the by, Zeldaru has been making, no, forcing me to add those cheesy lines of text on the side. He's like a slavedriver, he is.)

I can do other stuff too. I probably won't, but I can. I'll leave the option open, but don't expect anyone to come strolling through the door left ajar. Heck, I probably won't even end this post on a fitting line. One that wraps up everything nicely and communicates the message of the entire bit. It just wouldn't seem ri

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