Friday, May 11, 2012

White Flame

At the impact site – without humans – the black dragon descended at the same rate as the rain that perpetually beat the land, fluid yet slow. A new area it stood in, where fresh destruction waited. The being watched the pink heron collapse onto the ground set it on fire and watched the flame catch on the grass. Steam represented the losing battle the rain fought, the fire the certain victor. In repetition he acted unleashing multiple infernos onto the grass, condemning the rain for its benign actions. An act of surrealism later the rain itself ignited, dropping to the grass as miniature fireballs. The ground lit up. The sky lit up. Everything could be seen, everything could be charred, and it spread throughout. The dragon was not blinded; he was invigorated. Flames swirled as the temperature increased tenfold. As if wishing to burn the sky it unleashed another spurt of fire. Black walked further on, feeling the charred ground but showing no concern, and arrived near the submerged cave, near the forest. Timber – the fire wood collapsed onto the ground, accompanying a bonfire; kindle and leaves ushered in its further development. This fire was masterful, a beautiful thing that would consume the world given the chance. A sea of orange hung over the forest, a warm sensibility. As fire raced up the trees crackling sounded in a cacophony resembling  the release of machine gun ammunition. At the southern edge the dragon hovered in mid-air, flapping its wings to cause the forest fire to swirl, a potent whirlpool of unusual composition. The speed of the swirling increased. It flapped harder. The world seemed to cry in response: rain catapulted downwards in free fall in an attempt to right the long-gone balance. Puddles in the deep brown soil ignited in a network catalyzing the arson of the forest ground’s plant ecosystem. Desynchronized the fires grew larger until they became an open system, exchanging many joules of heat and many masses of wood the inferno growing in size conspiring to join the first its brethren the destructive. They neared, from the vantage of its red eyes. Paying no heed to the dimension of space it flew swiftly towards the submerged cave his new goal in mind. Sticking its snout into the cave barely the black dragon unleashed a torrent, hoping to singe the cave. The walls deflected it. The water withdrew the needed oxygen. The flame stopped dead. In consternation the dragon rammed against the cave mouth with little avail; it gave up quickly, only now realizing it was not all-powerful. The one in folly fled.

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